Where Irvin L. Young Lives

Now I am positive that you have heard of memorials such as the Washington Monument, and the Jefferson and Lincoln memorials. Have you ever been familiar with a place named in honor of a person more in your own area, however?, Well, I will give you TWO examples (named after the same person) in MINE…

How the Sam Raimi Spider-Man Film Series Should Have Been (In My Opinion, Anyway)

Yeah, my first post ever of 2024! Now, first of all, this is my 21st year. However, this is also a certain red spider hero’s 62nd… Certainly you know this Spider-Man guy! You might perhaps also know the live-action Spider-Man film from 2002, as well as Spider-Man 2 from 2004 and Spider-Man 3 from 2007. If you do know those three films, then you might have heard that someone by the name of Sam Raimi directed them (in fact, they are altogether nicknamed “The Sam Raimi Trilogy”). The first two of Sam Raimi’s Spider-Man films were well-received, but the third […]