You Bet Your UWW Life

Now, I am certain that you have gone to, or are going to in the future, college. Since that is the case with the one who has been typing on this post now… I am currently taking college online. That college is Bellevue College…which is in the state of Washington, over 1,800 miles from where my parents and I reside. The reason for that is a few years ago, we had been thinking moving moving to the area where Aidan and Lucy live.

2023, Outward

Well, oh yes, this is simply a year-out post to the year 2023 and is a welcoming to, you’ve guessed it, the following year. This post will also reveal some things I just see ahead for the new year… Now, in March comes a Seattle trip, where we visit my older brother Aidan and his family. Here is Rita’s first birthday celebration! Also, on the final day of April, my other older brother Jacob (or Jake for short) and his future wife Cynthia will be staying over with me and my parents for 9 days. During one of those days […]

It’s A Wonderful New Life

Well hey, today is my sister-in-law’s birthday, so at least I able to say that to her on that day now, other than it being early or belated! In addition, her daughter Marguerite (my loving niece), better known as Rita, was born on April 1, 2023. Her father is also my older brother, Aidan. Rita’s middle name comes from her late grandmother’s first name and the late Aunt Sandy’s middle name as well. Also, in November, she managed to say her first ever word: “Hello.” I also recently gave her my old crab rattle for a holiday present. And man, […]

Some Parks With Views

Now, we all have been to a park in our lives. Have you ever really paid attention to what surroundings different parks have, however? Well, we can look at a few examples from the town where I live… First of all, we have Starin Park (which is not far at all from where I live). By it is the university, as well as the house area where our home is located.

Au Revoir, Aunt Sandy

Yes, this post is indeed dedicated and is a tribute to my beloved maternal aunt, Sandra, who did pass away just a few days ago, when she was only 57. Aunt Sandy was both my mom and my other aunt, Sue’s, younger sister. My father, brothers, and I had not actually seen her since my grandmother, Lainie’s, funeral service trip, one decade ago in June (she passed away on May 2nd of that year). Yeah, it is normal to not see your aunts that often, yet mom, on the other hand, still had indeed seen her since then. Poor Sandy […]

Bowling Up Buildings

Yeah, in earlier posts, I have considered how building have gotten demolished and replaced with newer tenant ones. However, in THIS post, I will consider TWO such events occurring. First things first, you have heard of Starbucks Coffee, right? How about the grocer chain Aldi? Well, neither of them are now leaving Whitewater. In, fact it is the polar opposite; both of them are currently, to have replaced older Whitewater buildings. Actually the Aldi’s is to replace a building that once houses an apartment area AND a bowling alley (one which I mentioned in an earlier post)… …yes, the Hawk […]