Talkin’ About a Restoration Project

Well, nothing does last forever, right? Yet some things certainly do return to how they previously were. In some cases, they get restored. Before some things do get restored, however, there may be campaigns or fundraisers to make it occur. And if you want to know one that I now is going on in my community right now, this is what it is: one for a couple of tennis courts right on the edge of the field of my former elementary school. In fact, here is a photograph of a sign on the abandoned tennis courts’ metal fence from one […]

Where a Mall Could Make a Comeback

Well, you may have heard of a problem nowadays: shopping malls have been struggling and losing stores. However, while it is true that a fair amount of them having been dying, I know one which has refused to shut down just yet.

10 Events That Should Have Happened But Never Did

I’m the kind of guy who prefers things when they’re completed. I know sometimes, something that is planned to happen gets announced, but ends up getting folded. Also, I feel like some things just aren’t making it through. For this post, I will talk about 10 events, beings, and places that should have went to their places or should have been completed, though they never did so. These 10 events will be from both TV and real life. #1: ALF’S DEPARTURE FROM EARTH IN THE “CONSIDER ME GONE” EPISODE ALF, as we know, stood for Alien Life Form. We also […]

8 Pokemon Battles That Should Have Been The Other Way

My only post of June. Now, we all know it’s pretty nice to watch Pokemon battles on TV, but we should usually should keep another thing in mind-we also need to root for who we want to win. Sometimes, however, the competitor of yours wins, which is disappointing. Down below are eight examples. #1: MISTY’S PSYDUCK VS. TYRA’S CLOYSTER IN EPISODE 36 Ash, Misty, and Brock were battling with a bike gang. Misty decided to use her Starmie, but her Psyduck had popped out instead. Once Psyduck and Cloyster started battling, the entire bike gang started laughing at the dopey […]

Will the Wisconsin Badgers be the National Basketball Champions Anytime in the Future?

My first post of March! The Wisconsin Badgers are a college basketball team based on Madison, Wisconsin. In their 2013-2014 season, they played so well that they made it to the Final Four. In the semifinal game, on April 5, 2014, the Badgers played against the Kentucky Wildcats. The Badgers did good in that game, and had the lead at halftime. Unfortunately, Kentucky would win by just 1 point, the the final score of 74-73. Kentucky went to the national championship game vs the Connecticut Huskies. Unfortunately, Kentucky would lose 60-54. Next season, the Badgers played better and again made […]

Bucks to Badgers

My first and only post of February: A basketball team is the Milwaukee Bucks. Another team is the Wisconsin Badgers. They both are near me. I like them. That’s the end of this post. CATCH MY OTHER POSTS!