A Tribute To Chu – My Nice Babysitter

This post will be about my original babysitters. Gone 3 years now, and I decided to make a tribute to them. Well, I didn’t mean they’re dead, they’ve just moved out of Whitewater (my town). My babysitter Carmen, also known as Chu, was my main one of these guys. She had a husband named Kenneth. Their daughters were Valerie, Gaby, and Vivi. When I was born, they lived in a white and brown house in town. I would go there whenever my parents were at school and work. I watched TV there. Plus, they had a slide, a swing, and […]

How To Stay Fine At A Hotel

My first post of July! Suppose your family is going on a vacation. You must just stay a hotel during it. This is what you might expect. When you get there, you may feel excitement in your body. Your family checks in as soon as you get inside. Then you get into your hotel room. It is rather a bit small, but it’s fine enough. The hotel room may or may not have a microwave. However, i bet it might have a TV. For those of you kids, you may not find too many kid’s channels on that TV. However, […]