Talkin’ About a Restoration Project

Well, nothing does last forever, right? Yet some things certainly do return to how they previously were. In some cases, they get restored. Before some things do get restored, however, there may be campaigns or fundraisers to make it occur. And if you want to know one that I now is going on in my community right now, this is what it is: one for a couple of tennis courts right on the edge of the field of my former elementary school. In fact, here is a photograph of a sign on the abandoned tennis courts’ metal fence from one […]

When Artwork Comes to Mind

We ALL have taken a course in our schools. Also, of course, courses in schools can all vary. Some courses which you have taken, however, just might have been of the same subject.

Speeding Up a Zephyr

Well, you remember that post I put up about CNW team meninges 175 and 1385 both being restored? Trains which are not steam locomotives can be restored as well, you know!

An Eye for Interior Gorgeousness…

I am certain you have seen a stained glass window at some point in your life. In a church, perhaps? Have you seen any sort of paintings inside the church, either? On a building wall in your community? Well, if you have ever wanted to know examples of how gorgeous some artwork can be in the inside of some places, you are looking at the correct post…

CNW – The Railroad May be Gone, but 1385 & 175 are Steaming Back to Life

Have you ever been familiar with a certain type of steam locomotive? Have you ever seen more than one steam locomotive type in general? Well, I will bet fewer people have ever seen two of the same type of steam engine operating nowadays. You may not be being these two operating together anytime soon, but two steam locomotives of the same type are currently being restored to operating condition in different parts of the Midwest… Now, one of these restorations takes place at the Mid-Continent

On a Road to Be Ever Grand!

I will just bet that you have heard the statement, “better than ever.” It may be like that with certain places or food being served, you know! In this post, I will discuss that about a certain museum in Illinois, and the largest one of its type in the nation…

Bowling Up Buildings

Yeah, in earlier posts, I have considered how building have gotten demolished and replaced with newer tenant ones. However, in THIS post, I will consider TWO such events occurring. First things first, you have heard of Starbucks Coffee, right? How about the grocer chain Aldi? Well, neither of them are now leaving Whitewater. In, fact it is the polar opposite; both of them are currently, to have replaced older Whitewater buildings. Actually the Aldi’s is to replace a building that once houses an apartment area AND a bowling alley (one which I mentioned in an earlier post)… …yes, the Hawk […]

Better Lake Than Never

First things first, I have just been into separate internet things once more as I had been when I typed up my 10th Anniversary, and I am just continuing fresh from here now. So yeah, I largely apologize for all of that as well, but, I truly will get going on a weekly post each Saturday through Wednesday from here on out, so Hakuna Matata. Anyway, remember that “Lake or Marsh” post I typed up nearly two years ago? Well, unfortunately, the lakes now have only PARTIALLY returned to how they initially were. Just how that is so? Well, I […]

10th Anniversary Post

Yes, this post’s title is accurate, my website first launched and had its first ever post (a tiny, introductory one) published exactly one decade ago today! Now, I believe just at least ONE of you would like a tale on how my website was all formed. And I believe this post is exactly the correct one to consider that on… At some point in the early 2010s, as I had been liking other children’s websites earlier, my dad actually suggested giving me a website of my own. He considered posting games and other stuff like that on it. Although the […]

Depot Park Amphitheater

First of all, today is the 70th anniversary of the final Milwaukee Road passenger train stop in Whitewater. Coincidentally, this post will also consider a particular spot which has been constructed near there not the long ago… If you have ever come across an open-air venue that is used for performances, entertainment, or sports, then you have come across an amphitheater. You might have seen an amphitheater like the one shown below, at least in a photograph on the internet or in a book… Well, THOSE types of Amphitheater were constructed by ancient Romans. They are oval-shaped and have seating […]