Baby’s 1st Christmas Post for Rita

Well, remember that tribute post for my niece Rita that I posted up? Well, this of course is her first ever Winter holiday season, and I especially just decided that I would do this post for her, as well. Lucky first time baby, eh? By the way, before I begin doing saying else, I would just like to congratulate my ever-loving niece for making her first Winter holidays ever! Well, for MY own first Christmas two decades ago, I received a golden Rudolph ornament from my late Aunt Sandy (you may have seen the tribute post for her which I […]

A Spot for the Community

FOR ROSALYNN CARTER. YOU WILL ALSO BE MISSED. Now, I am certain that you have heard of things such as fundraising drives for food, toys, clothing and other events related to those. Do you recall participating in a food drive at your school? A toy drive? Something like those elsewhere? Of course, that can occur year-round at places as well, such as Goodwill (mom and I have dropped off things there in the past). Suppose it is NOT any part of a chain though; rather, it is only a single center for the community in which it is in. Plus, […]

The Bear Toys on a Cloudy Day

In the LITTLE BEAR episode, “Rainy Day Friends”, Grandfather Bear has 4 toys that he plays with on rainy days. And the toys are: The Happy Ball- A small, pink ball. Its jaw is light pink with a small, dark, and red bear nose on it. The nose has a line down through it. The ball has white eyes with small, pure-black pupils on them. Above the eye, are small, thin eyebrows. The ball was shown smiling. The Jack-in-the-Box- A bear clown that has an orange, 3-edged jester hat, with a small, yellow bell on each edge. He has a light brown […]