Well, remember that tribute post for my niece Rita that I posted up? Well, this of course is her first ever Winter holiday season, and I especially just decided that I would do this post for her, as well. Lucky first time baby, eh?

By the way, before I begin doing saying else, I would just like to congratulate my ever-loving niece for making her first Winter holidays ever!

Well, for MY own first Christmas two decades ago, I received a golden Rudolph ornament from my late Aunt Sandy (you may have seen the tribute post for her which I did recently).

Yes, this is the Rudolph ornament from Aunt Sandy. You can see that it reads “Baby’s 1st Christmas 2003” on the runners if you read rather closely.

Well, my mom ordered a similar something for Rita also, and just down below would be a photograph of it on HER family’s tree as well…

As you can see, there are actually TWO ornaments for Rita’s first ever Christmas, although the one mom sent that I mentioned is the lower one.

And yeah, Rita did receive other things from me, mom, and others as well, although those ornaments are really the ones that pay tribute to an infant’s first December 25th. Yet I suppose all of the OTHER things that Rita received would also be counted for her first ever…well, you know.

Now, here is Rita enjoying here first ever Christmas day…

…as well as Rita receive something from myself that I send her through Amazon:

(I apologize if the quality is not that good; it appears that is the best it can come up for this post).

Here is Rita enjoying the toy her Uncle Gil sent her as well!

Also just down below is a photograph of Rita with her father from her very first Christmas Eve…

I would also like to add two other photographs, for both of Rita’s parents…

Yes, Aidan’s first Christmas as Rita’s Papa…
…and Lucy’s first Christmas as a Mama too. Hoorah for their first Christmas as parents, also!

Of course I am aware that Rita is too young to really read this still, so this is just for when she becomes older:

Well, Rita, this is just a post Uncle Gil made for you (and your Mama and Papa) when it was your very first Christmas from when you were a baby.

Now here are just a few things that Uncle Gil would like to tell you for your next Christmases…

My first Christmas was a lot like yours. I got about the same number of presents you did. Once you get older, you will be becoming too old for the toys you got from your first Christmas Day, but don’t you worry! You will be getting presents for kids your age then!

One Christmas, you will be too old for toys. However, as you do become older, you can put the star on the very top of the Christmas tree! It was like that with me too when I was older. You can also help your Mama and Papa set up the Christmas tree!

By the way, I hope Rita has been enjoying her first ever Winter holiday times. And happy holidays for her and for all, always!