Some Great Past Times From When I Was Younger (and My Future Ahead of Me)

Well, it’s the last weekend of September 2015. In just a little more than 3 months from now, after 12 long years I will finally become an teenager. It’s an interesting feeling, but I enjoyed the years before that too. I wanted to share some fantastic and some sad past times from the previous years, so this will be kind of a long post. In June of 2011, most of my family and I went on a cruise trip for 10 days. On June 17, my parents, brothers, and I left our house and flew over to New Jersey. On June […]

How Roads change around Wig-Wag signals

There once was a Wig-Wag signal at Blue River, Wisconsin. The road was South East Street, and the railroad was Wisconsin and Southern. The other side of the crossing had one crossbuck, and one yield sign. But then, during October of 2006, things changed. The workers had re-paved the road at the crossing, resulting the Wig-Wag to get pulled out of service, and a crossbuck and a stop sign took over the Wig-Wag. Down below is an image of the new replacement sign right after the crossing was upgraded. In Madison, Wisconsin, there are 2 crossings on the same pathway. They […]

Whitewater, Wisconsin-Old and Different

Finally, here’s today’s post: How Whitewater, Wisconsin changed over time. There once was a place called WALL CRAWLERS next to Jessica’s restaurant. It was used by the boy scouts during their activities. It had this huge, indoor climbing wall that the boy scouts could go on. Dad and my older brother Jacob have been to it 5 or 6 times. Mom and I have been in it only once. Google Maps showed photos of it in October 2007 and again in September 2009. Those street views show it back then-open and operating. But in 2010, since no one wanted to be the […]

Welcome to The GFD Zone

Hello! I’m Gilbert Frank Dennis, and this is my website. The website header is a photo of a sunset at Long Island (though I live in Wisconsin). You are welcome to read my blog and look at pictures and watch videos. I’ll be catching you up with more posts and updates. You are free to comment if you like.