Well, you may have heard of a problem nowadays: shopping malls have been struggling and losing stores. However, while it is true that a fair amount of them having been dying, I know one which has refused to shut down just yet.
A Community Center’s Understanding…
You might have stepped in your OWN town hall at some point in your life, although have you ever been in any others than your own? Suppose they have had the community center hand something the one in your community did not, or the other way around?
CNW – The Railroad May be Long Gone, but 1385 & 175 are Steaming Back to Life
Have you ever been familiar with a certain type of steam locomotive? Have you ever seen more than one steam locomotive type in general? Well, I will bet incredibly few people have ever seen two of the same type of steam engine operating nowadays. You may not be being these two operating together anytime soon, but two steam locomotives of the same type are currently being restored to operating condition in different parts of the Midwest… Now, one of these restorations takes place at the Mid-Continent Railway Museum in North Freedom, which is in my state of Wisconsin. The other? […]
When Machines Prevail
Nowadays, you might have read on the internet that robotic things have taken jobs.
On a Road to Be Ever Grand!
I will just bet that you have heard the statement, “better than ever.” It may be like that with certain places or food being served, you know! In this post, I will discuss that about a certain museum in Illinois, and the largest one of its type in the nation…
Where Irvin L. Young Lives
Now I am positive that you have heard of memorials such as the Washington Monument, and the Jefferson and Lincoln memorials. Have you ever been familiar with a place named in honor of a person more in your own area, however?, Well, I will give you TWO examples (named after the same person) in MINE…
Baby’s 1st Christmas Post for Rita
Well, remember that tribute post for my niece Rita that I posted up? Well, this of course is her first ever Winter holiday season, and I especially just decided that I would do this post for her, as well. Lucky first time baby, eh? By the way, before I begin doing saying else, I would just like to congratulate my ever-loving niece for making her first Winter holidays ever! Well, for MY own first Christmas two decades ago, I received a golden Rudolph ornament from my late Aunt Sandy (you may have seen the tribute post for her which I […]
Wanna Know An Eatery That Flies? Here Is One…
Well, certainly I have chatted about restaurants in earlier posts, although have you ever dined at one located in an airport? If you have, then perhaps it was one of those larger city ones. However, did you also know that there can be smaller airports (you know, ones that are mainly used by smaller propeller-driven planes) can have such restaurants as well? That is right, and my father and I have eaten at one such smaller airport restaurant a few times. First of all, where is airport simply is? It is southwest of Janesville and north of Beloit in Wisconsin, […]
It’s A Wonderful New Life
Well hey, today is my sister-in-law’s birthday, so at least I able to say that to her on that day now, other than it being early or belated! In addition, her daughter Marguerite (my loving niece), better known as Rita, was born on April 1, 2023. Her father is also my older brother, Aidan. Rita’s middle name comes from her late grandmother’s first name and the late Aunt Sandy’s middle name as well. Also, in November, she managed to say her first ever word: “Hello.” I also recently gave her my old crab rattle for a holiday present. And man, […]
Some Parks With Views
Now, we all have been to a park in our lives. Have you ever really paid attention to what surroundings different parks have, however? Well, we can look at a few examples from the town where I live… First of all, we have Starin Park (which is not far at all from where I live). By it is the university, as well as the house area where our home is located.